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8 Ways to Prevent Your AdSense Account From Getting Banned in 2019

Google AdSense is one the most popular ad networks that allows bloggers to monetize their blogs through ads. However, many aspiring bloggers who want to earn money fast are at a disadvantage. This is because Google AdSense comes with strict rules that users must follow or their accounts could end up getting banned. Prevent your adsense account 1. Don’t Click Your Own Ads 2. Avoid Begging For Clicks 3.Don’t Change the AdSense Code 4. Know a Blog’s Language 5. Avoid Invalid Clicks 6. Don’t Use Forbidden Content 7. Avoid Using Copyrighted or Gambling ContentPaid Traffic This article contains measures to prevent AdSense user accounts from getting banned. To save your chances of earning money from your blog, just follow the steps given below: 1. Don’t Click Your Own Ads No matter how desperate you are, do not ever click on your own ads. Google is smart enough to determine that the clicks have originated from the same IP address. Even if you mask your IP address using a VPN software

Why LOW CPC ads for Asian AdSense Publishers Like Indians?

Why Google AdSense Offers Low CPC in Asian Countries If you are a blogger or webmaster, then the first word that comes to your mind when someone speaks of monetization is  Google Adense . Although there are several  different ways of monetizing your website  but  AdSense is the first step  taken by majority people.  Google Adsense   was launched  in 2003 and over the years AdSense moved a long way. Things are not what it used to be 2-3 years ago when the majority income stream for any blog would be advertisements from their service. For the last couple of months, many bloggers (especially tech bloggers) experienced a sudden decline in their  Cost Per Click  (CPC). I often encounter lots of people asking me how to improve their CPC, but the reality is that I am myself confused and fail to deliver a satisfactory answer to them. So, around a month ago I decided to investigate this troublesome situation and find out the exact problems Asian  Bloggers  are facing with  Google Adsense .

10 Ways to Increase AdSense CPC With Simple Tweaks

Want to increase AdSense CPC and make more money? AdSense optimization is the solution for this. You can either use a free tool like Ezoic to run your ads or can also do manual work by following my tips before. When we talk about Adsense optimization, there are many things, but the main target is to get high eCPM and get more Cost per click. Else, despite of good AdSense CTR, you might not be making good money. This is something familiar about the non-English blog. If you fall in the category of those AdSense publishers, who are getting huge traffic but Adsense earning is still low, it’s time to understand points which are mentioned below, and this will surely help to increase  Adsense CPC  and overall revenue. What is AdSense CPC Let’s start with answering the basic question first and then we will move to some working tips to increase AdSense CPC. CPC stands for Cost per click, in short money which you make/click is what CPC. Now, you might have noticed Adsense publisher talkin

Blogging – Your journey from 0 to 100$/day – The Right Tools

What differentiates an experienced Internet Marketer who earns thousands of dollars every month, from a newbie? Yes, you guessed it right… The right tools, and that is what this blog post is about – Tools that make or break a blog, themes and plug-ins. Themes Themes are the blueprints of your blog which make it look more appealing to your reader or user. You can choose from thousands of WordPress themes available on the internet to make your blog look more engaging. Blog themes are your content’s window to the outside world and it is important to select them carefully after considering their features. Some of the themes are free while some are available as paid versions. Paid themes have many advanced features that free themes lack and they also give you the flexibility to change your layouts and page positions. We have compiled a list of six blog themes which are best in terms of design and features: Premium Themes: Premium themes are paid themes for using on Word

Blogging – Your Journey From 0 to 100$/day – Setting Up

This blogpost is for newbie internet marketers. If you’re already acquainted with blogging, and looking for some tips to improve your blog,  click here to read the next blog post . The fact that anyone can start a blog with little or no capital, the availability of a plethora of free tools, the ease with which one can get started and equal access to the audience ensures only the best would win. The competition has never been this stiff. But can you win? Do you have it in you to win at this difficult game? A blog needs to be monetized to generate revenue. Any blog can be monetized but there may be no revenue. It should be a successful blog with a growing base of subscribers to keep generating revenue. Only then would you have a profitable blog. Any blog can have some revenue but only consistent and sustainable revenue over a period of time will ensure profit. Although these may make it sound like blogging is an impossible task, we bring you a sequence of steps to

16 Tips To Get Targeted Traffic From Social Media Platforms

There are more than two billion people on social media. There are dozens of social media platforms. If you’re not using social media to market your website, you are losing out on highly-targeted traffic, and thereby the ability to make bigger profits. That being said, how you strategize your social media outreach will determine the traffic. With that in mind, I have put together 15 tips to help you get targeted traffic from social media platforms. Know what to post It is no secret that you need to come up with engaging content to intrigue your followers and the larger target audience so they check out the links or information and get redirected to your website. The content can be anything from an article to an info-graphic, an image to a video. Whatever you choose to share must be relevant for your audience For instance, very few teenagers would want to read a three thousand word post. Very few professionals will have the time to check out a five minute

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