WhatsApp has said the messenger will stop working on millions of people’s phones from Saturday, February . WhatsApp has at least 1.5 billion users all over the world. The Facebook-owned app stopped supporting a number of devices on December 31. And on February 1, it will render lots more handsets out of date, Metro has said. Read also: Android warning: Delete these apps from your phone or pay the price On December 31, 2019, WhatsApp said any phone running the Windows Mobile operating system will no longer be supported. From this Saturday, any iPhone running software older than iOS 7 will no longer be supported and neither will any Android device with version 2.3.7 installed. Affected phones The last iPhones released running iOS 7 were the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C back in 2013. It was superseded by iOS 8 in 2014. So, if you bought an iPhone (or iPad) after that date you’re going to be fine, according to the report. Similarly, Android 2.3.7 was known as ‘Gingerbread’ and was...
Michael Jackson's Son Seen for the First Time in a Very Long Time (Photos)
Pop legend, Michael Jackson's youngest child, Blanket Jackson, 15, was
spotted after leaving his Taekwondo class on Wednesday. Blanket who shies
away from...